Responsible Gambling Week 2019 Begins Today, ‘Lets Talk’

Responsible Gambling Week 2019 Begins Today, ‘Lets Talk’

Responsible Gambling Week 2019 starts today and runs until 13th November 2019. Led by the gambling industry, it’s aim is to create conversations with customers, staff and the public around gambling responsibilities and awareness. Football stadium media space, match day programmes, online gambling sites, posters in betting shops and screens on gambling machines will all see the slogan:

“Let’s talk about responsible gambling”

The three core conversations are:How to gamble responsiblyTools available to help people gamble safely all year roundSources of advice and support

Responsible Gambling Information

Throughout the UK and Ireland the gambling industry have pulled together – bingo clubs, amusement arcades, bookmakers, land-based and online casinos all support the responsible gambling week.All year round, establishments and websites will provide information on responsible gambling, how to manage your gambling with tools and options available. During RG week, banners and material will be available if customers feel they need help or advice on their gambling habits and where to find further advice and support.Promotional material has been made available to all supporting organisations, the material covers key topics like,*Ask questions about gambling behaviour*Highlight five key behaviours of gambling behaviour*Provide details of where and how to obtain information and help if needed*Promote the Responsible Gambling Week website and social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Plenty of Support

Gambling venues supporting Responsible Gambling Week will display posters, with leaflets and banners promoting responsible gambling, encouraging conversations about the importance of gambling responsibly.During the week, some venues will be holding special events. Online and land based organisations will promote RGW on their social media. Facebook are supporting the week with key messages and materials available.Staff at gambling venues will be the first point of contact if anybody has a question or concern regarding their gambling habits.Leading charities who provide help and support for gambling related issue including GamCare and YGAM, will be running workshops and training sessions during the week.Parents, youth workers, teachers and health professionals will be the main focus for the workshops, providing information on encouraging young people to understand the risks associated with gambling and the harm it can cause. Sessions also provide information on choices young people could make to gamble responsibly and tools available to help with gambling behaviour’s.If you or someone you know needs help with a gambling problem or feel your gambling is out of control, contact organisations such as GameCare or Gambleaware.

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