It doesn’t really matter how you judge autumn to have begun – autumn is coming. Whether you base it on several consecutive days of weather below a specific temperature, base it on the calendar, or simply decide for yourself when it is autumn, the fact remains – summer is coming to an end, and a rapid one at that. Once it has gone, so too will have a whole host of summer promotions and bonuses.
Monthly/ Seasonal Promotions
Players may not know this, but promotions and bonuses often run in cycles, usually monthly or seasonal. Summer is the biggest and best time for promotions and bonuses at online casinos, with only Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Easter really providing any sort of challenge to its dominance.
Summer Deals
If summer is certainly coming to an end, that means that many casinos will stop offering their awesome summer deals, especially slot tournaments, and holiday in the sun giveaways, which may have been active for a number of weeks or months now.
Last Chance
Now could be your only chance to pocket what is left of various promotions and bonuses, so players are strongly advised to do so. The types of offers you can find in online casinos vary greatly, and may include but are not limited to prize draws, slot tournaments, free spins, match deposit deals, no deposit bonuses, loyalty rewards, and so much more. The most common promotion during the summer period is the tournament, and many casinos are offering final prizes worth £10,000, £15,000 or more, which shouldn’t be missed. Indeed, some are even offering players the chance to win a holiday in the sun as their final summer prize.
Check Them Out
Wherever you decide to play, make sure that you check out your chosen casinos list of summer promotions and bag them all before the sun sets of this summer of sizzling offers.