Cherry Casino greatly improves the look of its casino

For a long time, Cherry Casino was virtually condemned for the way that it’s online casino was run, and the way it looked. That has all been changed, though, with the online casino now undergoing a major revamp and overhaul, to bring it up to today’s standards.

New Look

Cherry Casino actually opened just after the millennium, so it is one of the longer running casinos on the net. It had remained virtually unchanged in all of that time though. The new look and makeover couldn’t come soon enough.

Personalised Page

Part of the overhaul includes a My Page part of the casino, where bonuses, balances, withdrawals and an accurate run-down of what you have played, and how much you have paid is on show. This personalised page will also provide you with access to all of your favourite games, and jackpots, as well as the odd sports bet if you are so inclined.

Easy To Use

Of course, not everything is designed to make the casino run smoother. Having a casino which looks the business is also an important part of the setup at Cherry Casino. Fortunately, this casino site now has exactly that, with an easy to use menu bar, and quick access buttons spread throughout the domain.

Visual Appeal

Cherry Casino first appeared in Sweden, and it has needed the power of Net Ent to help it expand beyond those borders. The only thing that the online casino domain as missing was a touch of aesthetics and visual appeal. Now that it has both of these under its belt, it shouldn’t be too long before we see a rise in popularity of this online casino.Cherry Casino is back, and it has never looked or felt as good as this.

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