Problem gambling across the UK has risen significantly over the past few years with a life taken on a daily basis. The Government has secured funding of £34 Billion to the NHS, with a view to tackle the problem long-term.
Treatment Clinic
Today, a new treatment clinic, The Leeds Community Gambling Service opens its doors in the city of Leeds, UK. The new treatment clinic is the first of its kind to become available in the country after the National Health Service (NHS), Leeds City Council, the York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and GamCare joined forces to tackle the issues around gambling related problems.Matt Hancock, The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has welcomed the new initiative. Mr Hancock reiterates gambling problems can become addictive and ruin the lives of those addicts and their families. Despite your whereabouts in the UK, people should not be denied treatment due to location, therefore the gambling addiction network is being expanded outside London, providing people with gambling related issues, full treatment and support.
More Help Needed
Due to the popularity of online gambling, revenues earned by gambling companies have risen significantly, anti gambling campaigners and local regulatory authorities have both voiced their concerns that more and more people are now becoming addicted to gambling with so many options now available.The NHS Northern Gambling Service will offer treatment for people who are suffering due to severe gambling related problems, mental health issues related to gambling and people deemed at risk of taking their life due to mental health issues around gambling. The service will also be available to family members and friends of problem gamblers.The Health Secretary confirmed plans to roll out similar treatment centres across the country as part of its long-term plan on tackling problem gambling issues, and protecting vulnerable members of society.According to figures from the United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC), there are around 430,000 gamblers who present problems in the UK with a further 2 million at risk of becoming addicted to gambling. The NHS have revealed only 5% of these people seek help to tackle the problem, and sadly 1% being treated for gambling addiction.