GVC Take Steps To Tackle Problem Gambling In The US With Epic Partnership

GVC Take Steps To Tackle US Problem Gambling With Epic Partnership

GVC Holdings, one of the world’s largest sports betting and gaming groups have partnered with Epic Risk Management, a company who provide advice and education into problem gambling and gambling-related harm.GVC Foundation US, a subsidiary and non-profit organisation will fund the partnership, together they will offer education and advice based on real life experiences to professional and upcoming athletes.

More Awareness

As seen in the UK, much stricter regulatory guidelines have been rolled out in the fight against protecting people from gambling related harm, as figures have shown a huge rise in problem gambling in recent years.GVC, who already have a huge presence in the US, made the decision to carry on their mission to tackle problem gambling. During 2020 and 2021 the programmes will launch across 14 states including, New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Indiana, Nevada and Colorado.Paul Buck CEO of Epic Risk Management said,“ For most people gambling is entertainment, but for a small percentage of people it becomes uncontrolled, leading to devastating effects to both individuals and organisations. “ Epic is excited to partner with GVC Foundation US to work in the hardest to reach sectors to prevent gambling-related harm.”

Change Culture of Gambling

Trustee of GVC Foundation US agrees tackling gambling-related harm in a more hard-hitting way by delivering lived experiences and advice from industry experts is the best way to get the message across. Athletes and other high-risk people throughout the US will be addressed with a focus on changing the culture of gambling and protecting the gambling industry moving forward.

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