GVC Holdings Committed To New Protection Measures Issued By UKGC

GVC Holdings Committed To UKGC New Protection Measures

Ladbrokes Coral owner GVC Holdings have made a commitment to continue its ongoing support in the protection of vulnerable gamblers during the lockdown measures imposed on the UK.

Changes In Gambling Habits

Although sports betting is virtually non existent at the moment due to the postponement of most sporting events globally, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) have seen a rise in customers changing gambling habits during the current lockdown and engaging more in online casino and slot games and virtual sports.The UKGC have issued additional requirements for operators to enforce with immediate effect, including player monitoring, affordability checks and due diligence. The UKGC revealed a YouGov report has seen 64% of regular gamblers have increased their spending amount while online gambling.

Capacity For Additional Requirements

GVC issued a statement emphasising it did have the capacity to take on the additional requirements with immediate effect after previously installing safer gambling methods and controls. GVC will concentrate on its Markers of Harm (MoH) algorithms which flag up problematic gambling habits early on so immediate intervention can prevail.Since the lockdown began in March, GVC along with other UK operator’s deployed extra measures to ensure customers are safe while gambling online including customers checks and safeguards around gambling related risks. Safer gambling tools and self-exclusion measures have been reiterated to all its customers across all brands.Kenneth Alexander CEO at GVC said,“ We welcome the finding from the UKGC that there is no evidence to suggest an increase in problem gambling during the COVID-19 lockdown. Nevertheless, we remain committed to taking all necessary actions to keep our customers safe whilst enjoying our products. “ Proving a robust safety net for those who may experience harm is particularly important during this unprecedented time of uncertainty and social restrictions. That is why we continue to enhance our tools to track problematic play so that we can proactively interact with any player if we see changes that suggest they are having a problem.”

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