Coral Cleared By ASA Over Advertisement Complaint

Coral Cleared By ASA Over Advertisement Complaint

Back in the Summer of 2018, during the World Cup, Coral placed an ad in the Racing Post promising a ‘Price Boost’ offer on the game between Argentina and Iceland. The bet was for Lionel Messi to score 2 or more goals with odds at 5/1. The wording in the ad became the issue with “ Was 3/1” being crossed out, and replaced with 5/1 odds, the small print explained that “ Was” was only a guideline.


The Campaign For Fairer Gambling claiming the ‘crossed out’ odds and the words “Price Boost” were misleading to customers making a bet.Coral responded by claiming the ad in the paper did stipulate at the time of publication the odds may fluctuate. The 3/1 odds were a standard price and things may change.Because of the nature of odds in sports betting, the ASA said in it’s ruling, customers know prices may fluctuate and the 3/1 which was crossed out was correct at the time before the odds changed. In regard to this, the ASA found Coral had not breeched any advertising regulations, with no further action taken against them. 

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