Casino Sponsored Charity Gives Life-Changing Gift to Young Cerebral Palsy Sufferer

Casino Sponsored Charity Gives Life-Changing Gift to Young Cerebral Palsy Sufferer

Nick Boyard is a 14-year-old cerebral palsy sufferer who has been wheelchair bound for his entire life.While many of us can not imagine how difficult this situation must be, this has been life for Nick and his family for many years.As Nick explained, his disorder impairs his movement, so he can not control a manual wheelchair himself:“I always have to have someone with me. And every day someone comes up to me and moves me out of their way.”However, the casino sponsored non-profit charity CHIPS has given Nick a life-changing present, a powered wheelchair that allows him to travel alone and have comfortably control over his chair.Casino Sponsored Charity Gives Life-Changing Gift to Young Cerebral Palsy Sufferer

The CHIPS Gift

Linda Lindsay, Founder of CHIPS, which is sponsored by Genting Casino and Grosvenor amongst others, said:“We are delighted to present Nick with a gift that we have no doubt will change his life for the better.The chair will allow Nick to move around without relying on others, providing him with the independence that he deserves.”This gift does not only benefit Nick himself, but also comes as a great relief to his parents, Lisa and Stephen.It was Lisa and Stephen who contacted CHIPS after learning about the charity, who were offering the chair, worth £7,000, to one lucky person in Brighton, where the Boyard family live.

What’s next?

This is not expected to be the last life changed by CHIPS, who specialise in buying wheelchairs for disabled young people, with plans to run marathons and more fund raising ideas for next year hoping to ensure that there will be many more experiences like Nick’s to come in the next few years.With the likes of Cashino also sponsoring the charity, there’s no reason to assume this won’t happen.

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